From a leading logistics provider

October 11, 2021
Johnston Logistics UK ‘Go Wild’ with Green Space Initiative
Johnston Logistics UK ‘Go Wild’ with Green Space Initiative

Leading warehousing and logistics providers Johnston Logistics UK have gone wild to support their sustainability policy by allowing green spaces to blossom.

The grassy areas, spread around Johnston Logistics UK’s 130-acre site in Norfolk, have been encouraged to grow with plants and foliage that support local wildlife.

As part of their focus on enhancing sustainability, the warehousing and logistics experts are allowing their outdoor spaces to grow to benefit both the environment and their staff and visitors.

They have made changes including minimising their mowing routine and allowing plants to flower to create nectar for bees and other pollinators.

“We’re making the most of our green areas by encouraging nature to take over. We’ve seen big improvements already including in our lagoon which is flourishing and has already welcomed back ducks and other visitors” says Jane Bull, Head of Compliance for Johnston Logistics UK.

Allocating green spaces for nature gives a number of benefits, including providing habitat for insects and wildlife, capturing CO2, reducing emissions by not mowing or using pesticides, improving biodiversity and encouraging native wildflowers.

Greener spaces also benefit Johnston Logistics UK’s employees as they are associated with better physical, social and mental health.

“It seems everyone is experiencing benefit from our re-wilding project! Whilst plants, birds and animals are clearly benefiting, its lovely to hear the insects buzzing and see the wildflowers blossoming again. Many staff have commented how it makes the working environment much more serene and tranquil” continues Jane.

The Norfolk-based operation provides a full range of services including warehousing, supply chain logistics, contract packing, pick and pack and e-commerce fulfilment. With over 40 years’ experience, Johnston Logistics UK is trusted by major supermarkets, leading brands and growing companies alike to deliver their third-party logistics.

“Going wild has been a big success but we’re not finished yet. By encouraging the right species of native plants, we can encourage even more wildlife to re-enter our site and breathe life into our environment” concludes Jane.

For more information on Johnston Logistics UK visit their new website at