Our logistics wing - Johnston Logistics UK - is now part of Foulger Transport (Kinaxia Logistics)
For all enquiries relating to storage and logistics, please contact Foulger Transport on 01953 667 400
For all enquiries relating to warehouse rental or design & build, please contact Richard Johnston Ltd on 01953 888 381
Business Updates
Client Updates
Johnston Logistics UK Help Asda Customers Wipe Away Virus During Lockdown
Johnston Logistics UK have seen a 286% increase since March in the throughput...
Farm Pressed Fruit Juice Experts Pleased to Have Johnston Logistics UK Partnership in Place
Premium fruit and vegetable drink manufacturers, James White Drinks, have...
The Wine Society Toasts New Logistics Provider
The world’s oldest co-operative wine merchant, The Wine Society, have chosen...
Johnston Logistics Preparing Clients for Bumper Black Friday & Christmas
Though Christmas and Black Friday are just weeks away, here at Johnston...